
things that make me happy

Exciting times, everybody! A coupla weeks ago, the lovely Daniela from ladyblog invited me to do my own personal lovelist for their page! The result is now online!
You have realized that it has been a bit quiet here lately, and I still owe you some things I worked on in Dublin, and believe you me, they will come! But reason for my absence from blogging was the fact that I was graduating from university! I only have to do my thesis and my last project now and i'll be done for good. Hooray!
But now, first, off to Asia! Yes, you've heard right, I'm gonna fly to Kuala Lumpur tomorrow! There will be trips to Koh Samui and Singapore as well, so stay tuned, lovely readers, as I will write about it all. In due time. 'Til then, shop the sales :)


yo mama!

I don't like these weird  frozen yoghurt shop chains. You never really have nice staff, no nice possibility to sit down and, worst of all, no coffee! What I do like though is the newly opened "Yo Mama Café". Delicous Coffee, welcoming interior, lovely staff, good music and frozen yoghurt to die for! American Girl Melanie opened her Café in Eimsbuettel/Hamburg last saturday and of course I had to stop by and have a look. She had told me about her vision for the cafe months ago and I just couldn't wait to see how it turned out. And let me tell you: Frozen Goodness awaits you! No matter if you like fresh fruits or colorful candy as toppings...everythings there. The atmosphere was laid back even though it was the opening day, and the Coffee was perfect (and we all know how important good coffee is.) I do suggest you to stop by asap an try at least five different frozen yoghurt variations. Your not into that? Don't you worry, there's a huge selection of yummy, homemade cakes as well.

Yo Mama Café
Methfesselstraße 28
20257 Hamburg

Find out more on Facebook!
Yo Mama Café on FB


for your viewing pleasure

So as you all now, I've been to Dublin just now! Main reason for that was a lovely little Film Festival called "Freshly Squeezed" that some of my friends started and that I also helped organising. I cannot possibly desribe the feeling I had when I saw it all come together after 8 months of planning. When I watched the first movie called "The White Square" (which ended up winning the audience award) flickering over the big I just had a rush of utter happiness running through me.
And all this mainly thanks to my wonderful friend Piret Saar. It was her idea last year october to organize a film festival that showcases the work from filmstudents all over the world. There aren't enough opportunities for young filmmakers to show their projects to the public, and that was exactly the goal of this event.
Networking and gaining experience was another aspect of the festival. Seminars with professionals like cinematographer Peter Robertson and animator Robert Cullen provided everybody with useful information about how to get started in their fields and what to expect during their careers.

But now to the main stars of this festival: the movies! I have to say, I still cannot believe that the movies we showed were actually all works of students! They were so perfectly well executed, that they all looked like they were done by professionals. No matter if Drama, Experimental, Documentry or Animation, everybody really did their best. At the end though, only two movies could win, one that got chosen by the audience, and one that got chosen by our jury. If you want to know more about them, you should check out the Freshly Squeezed Homepage. Btw: If you click in the about us section, you can see everybody involved, including yours truly ;)

To wrap it up: It all went so well that it's been already decided to put it on again next year, even bigger and better. If you are interested in showing your movie or volunteering to organize it with us all, you can find all the information, again, on the Freshly Squeezed Homepage. :)
Robert Cullen talking animatedly about animation at the Freshly Squeezed Film Festival


how to be a bad blogger

no time for blogging, but time for a pint, of course
So here we are: It's Mid-July and I still haven't blogged anything this month. Shame on me! But as I told you a coupla weeks ago: I was travelling like a mad-woman. First Nuremberg, Berlin twice and Dublin last week. And between all this one did have to work and study a little bit. A bit more to be precise, as I am just about to graduate university and writing for Infamous Magazine obviously can't be ignored either. But enough with the lame excuses! I solemnly swear that I will make it up to you the next coupla days.
Dublin proved, yet again, to be hot ground for art, music, design, and well, culture in general. I met some great people while being over there, some of which I had the pleasure to interview for this blog. You shall read the results of those lovely little meet-cutes here soon. I will start, however, with an entry about a fantastic little Film Festival in Dublin, that I did help set up and which was also reason of me flying over there now. Stay tuned my friends, as a proper blog-entry about it will follow veeery soon! Till then...have a pint. x J.